2020-2021 Transparency Report
We believe that relationships are a space for transformation and our commitment to healthy relationships thrives on transparency and trust. There is no doubt that the vast majority of the world's coffee is traded in a broken system that favors the strong and powerful while exploiting the very source of our value stream, vulnerable coffee producers. (You can read more of our thoughts about trade on our blog here)
The following is a report on all of the coffees Saint Frank sourced in the 2019-20 season. We highlight the marketed name of the coffee along with any blend in which it was included. We list the producer, the region, as well as the harvest period in which the coffee was picked and processed along with the first year our purchasing relationship with the actual producer began rather than the exporter.
Because even the most direct coffee supply streams include multiple parties to create a transparent and efficient path for coffees to travel we have also listed the exporters and importers we have collaborated with to bring each coffee to San Francisco.
We also list the total lot volume in pounds and the technical cup score given at origin at the time of purchase which is often directly related to price.
Finally we are posting the F.O.B. (Free on Board) Price paid for the coffee. This refers to the price paid for exported coffee before any importing expenses and duties are added. This is relevant in relation to the final figure which is the "C" (Commodity) Price. This is the global commodity benchmark price for coffee traded at the concurrent time of each contracted purchase in the report - in all cases we are paying two to four times the market price which is demonstrated by showing the total % over the concurrent market price at the time of contract. This report represents 100% of our coffee purchases and contracts in the 2020-21 Season.